Saturday, November 1, 2008


Just a lill' cruising around the hills with my friends bike.

It was a first timer for me, so i was goin pretty slow. yes bikegoers laugh



Last night, I caught up with a couple of friends in the weekend and we went to this lake in the evening for some eeling. Eeling=fishing for eels.

Here's how eeling goes: you put out smelly meat on the banks, attracting eels to the smell, it takes time, but its worth it. Once after an hour or so, an eel comes along and you stab it with a TRIDENT. Or should i say fivedent. 'Cause it had five ends. =D

We got only an eel, but the anticipation and patience paid off for excitement, and it was a great night. Weeman was the man of the night, having caught the only eel. Go weeman! lol

A vid:

And a few pics during the night:

DA lake where our eeling took place

Perilous waters

Me with a hook line with meat attached to it

Hookline in da waters

Adrian, Matt El&Eb, weeman

Alas, prize catch!